Tag: Program Manager

Project team and structures (2/2)

Now the different team structures and team building phases have been discussed we will now zoom in on the execution phase. The project experiences will be shared of the primary interpersonal issues, the impact on the team relationships till taks accomplishment and project management action strategies. This will give first-hand …

The 7 rules of communication

We all know what communication is: a two-way process in which we act as transmitters of information to someone else, the receiver. The objective, of course, is to generate some response in the receiver. The desired response is usually to get the receiver to take some form of action. If the process of …


Via the businessinsider.com article “15 must-read books by tech CEOs that will give you a peek inside their brilliant minds” it provides you the must-read tech business books with interesting stories of the greatest tech companies around. One interesting book is the story of Marc Benioff’s Behind the Cloud: The Untold Story of How …


In my journey to become a Program Manager there are many interesting books to read. One of them is “Program Management – A Life Cycle Approach” which is edited by Ginger Levin. It’s more or less a summary of the complete “Best Practices and Advances in Program Management Series” of CRC Press. …

The Method Adoption Workshop

During my IBM career the method adoption workshop was used several times in the beginning of the project initiation. It’s conducted to expedite the project-planning process. The MAW is a group meeting that requires participation by all project stakeholders both for their expertise and to assure buy-in. It was providing a clear …