Create the migration technical runbook

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The “technical runbook” is a very detailed plan for the migration / relocation event. During its creation the runbook should be reviewed by all technical key stakeholders.

Technical runbook

A technical runbook is a compilation of routine procedures and operations that the system administrator or operator carries out.

Technical runbooks can be in either electronic or in physical book form. Typically, a technical runbook contains procedures to begin, stop, supervise, and debug the system. It may also describe procedures for handling special requests and contingencies. An effective runbook allows other operators, with prerequisite expertise, to effectively manage and troubleshoot a system. Through runbook automation, these processes can be carried out using software tools in a predetermined manner. The technical details describe the lowest level of detail required to perform the activities within the runbook.

For those tasks that are technically complex and require detailed step by step tasks to be documented then these can be stored in associated artifacts. These are typically needed for technically complex tasks that need to be written down to ensure all actioners know what the detailed tasks they need to perform are.

Runbook applied to operations

Technical runbooks may be tied to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) incidents to allow repeatable processes supporting specific aspects of the service catalog. The technical runbook is typically divided into routine automated processes and routine manual processes. The runbook catalog begins with an index of processes covered and may be broken down in outline form to align the processes to the major elements they support in the service catalog. A technical runbook is a compilation of routine procedures and operations that the system administrator or operator carries out.


  1. Generate and confirm scope from IT Room data repository.
  2. Create and publish migration technical runbook.

Hints and tips

  • It is good practice to ensure that the business testers are able to confirm data integrity following migration. To this end a simple business report can be obtained from a source in the IT room at the end of business day. A repeat of this test in a target in the IT room can then form a ‘go’ decision if identical or expected results are obtained.
  • There is always debate about the use of spreadsheets or Microsoft Project for the production of the technical runbook, there is no specific guidance here. Of course, Microsoft Project can be exported as a Microsoft Excel.
  • A physical representation in the IT room migration room is good practice, color print-outs (A3 minimum) is recommended, then stick these around the room where authorized personnel can readily assess progress.

Activity output

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