Project team and structures (2/2)

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Now the different team structures and team building phases have been discussed we will now zoom in on the execution phase. The project experiences will be shared of the primary interpersonal issues, the impact on the team relationships till taks accomplishment and project management action strategies. This will give first-hand insight and what to expect going through the different stages.

During the process of the different stages primary interpersonal issues are noticeable. Hereby some common issues of the particular stages.

During Forming: Inclusion and Trust
– Willingness of team members to include others in the team’s decision making and problem solving.
– Extent to which team members want to be included in the team’s processes.
– Extent to which team members feel they can trust the leader and other team members.

During Storming: Control, Power, and Conflict
– Extent to which team members want to determine the outcome of events.
– Extent to which team members want to follow the direction set by others.
– Determination of processes that will be used to resolve differences.
– Establishment of who influences the team’s direction.

During Norming: Affection
– Willingness of team members to share their inner selves with the group and express friendly feelings to others.
– Extent to which team members want others to act friendly toward them.
– Shift of focus of control from leader to team.
– Avoidance of “group think”.

During Performing (no major issues)

During Adjourning: Loss and Separation
– Feelings of sadness, loss, or anger about the impending dissolution of the team.
– Tendency to become less productive.

The process through the stage will have an impact on the relationship till task accomplishment.

During Forming
– Low to moderate task accomplishment.
– Team’s energy is focused on defining goals, tasks, and strategies for accomplishment.

During Storming
– Task accomplishment may be disrupted by negative feelings among team members.
– Skill development and task accomplishment slowly increase as conflicts are addressed.

During Norming
– Task accomplishment increases as skills and understanding develop.
– Positive feelings among members facilitate team results.

During Performing
– Optimal task accomplishment is characterized by team cohesion and pride in team’s results.
– Team members derive significant satisfaction as skills, knowledge, and confidence increase.

During Adjourning
– Task accomplishment generally decreases.
– In some cases, work activity may increase as the team struggles to meet deadlines or overcome sense of loss.

The role of a project manager can be approached with the following action strategies.

During Forming
– Establish realistic and achievable goals.
– Set standards and norms for team interaction.
– Clarify team tasks and team member roles and relationships.
– Make decisions and provide directions.
– Monitor and give feedback on team performance and group interactions.
– Demonstrate and teach skills.

During Storming
– Reaffirm team vision and redefine goals, expectations, roles, and relationships.
– Encourage and support interdependence.
– Practice active listening.
– Provide skill development and help team make decisions.
– Recognize and accept differing opinions.
– Acknowledge and confront difficulties and manage conflict.
– Praise constructive behavior.

During Norming
– Practice active listening.
– Involve team in decision making and problem solving.
– Support team in setting goals and standards.
– Encourage and acknowledge team progress.

During Performing
– Serve as a resource for the team.
– Monitor goals and performance in terms of review process.
– Interface between the team and the larger organization.

During Adjourning
– Accept own feelings of loss.
– Acknowledge the feelings of others.
– Increase directive and supportive behavior as appropriate.

For more details see Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing: Successful Communication in Groups and Teams

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